My dealing with a divorce, coming to term with it, the stress of it and the search to find love again.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Date Night : T -4 Days and counting
Okay so as you can see I updated my blog design again to appease everyone who uses FireFox browsers. It seems it left a big gap that you had to arrow down to find the new posts. People had not realized that i had posted new stuff for almost a week.
I am sitting here just feeling blah. I think I am nervous. The date is rapidly approaching. I know how Charla feels, because I feel the same way. What if there is no attraction to each other when we meet. We have seen pictures of each other, but I have to admit, i do not think I am flattering in person. She said she feels the same about herself. I guessit all is a little unerving because I want to take the next step, but at the same time i dont want to loose what we have if one of us does not like the other.
I guess thats why they call it a leap of Faith. You close your eyes tight, and you jump. I am sure it is all going to turn out the way it is supposed to in the end. I guess it always does.
I am real thankful for Charla. I am not sure how i would have made it through Thanksgiving without her. I would have spent time crying over Sarah. I did think about her a little bit on Thanksgiving, about how she was probably introducing everyone in the family to her new boyfriend this season. Oh well, its a closed chapter of my life, and this time next year I hope the book is closed totally. My only wish is that somewhere Madison says to Sarah, " i liked Uncle Robert much better"
I dont think I had mentioned this in any of the blogs. I just sort of forgot about it. I did dump Mandi a while back. She seemed pissy about the whole thing. I told her I was afraid she was going to slip backward with her brother living with her. She told me that her brother had nothing to do with it.
I told her when i met her that she told me she had not smoked pot in awhile. She said no, i had not done crank in a year, and I could not tell the difference. Whatever, to me its all the same, I do not use drugs, and i will never be with someone who cant even make it through their daliy lives without using some form of drug. She was an alcholic pot smoker.
I may drink a beer here and there, or wine or whatever, but I do not live to do these things. Enough said. It did feel like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders. She was not right for me. I am so glad I never sleeped with her.
I really need to get up and clean my apartment. Charla is going to pick me up for the date on Saturday. Why/ Because she heard to many of my driving horror stories. She is one of these people that can not remain calm when someone else is driving LOL. So I will let her drive then.
So that means the old bachelor pad has got to be shined down real good. I will try to do it tomorrow after I get off work. Just cant do it today. I have been tired all week. Not sure why, but I am hoping to get out of this exhausted funk.
Yesterday i went to Matt and jeff's house. They live on the same street that i work on. They called me earlier and said that they were going to the movies with Josiah and Jarrod. And they would not make it back home til after 6:30 or so. I decided that i would stop and get something to eat and then just park my car, call charla and leave her a voice mail, listen to the radio, and maybe take a short nap.
As i lay there in the empty parking lot with the doors locked, i noticed that this area of town is quit frightning. People are walking up and Down first ave. Taking garbage to and fro, using red wagons to haul stuff from one place to the other. I think eh may have even used it to steal a television. yet some how i still managed to doze off for about half an hour.
Well i guess I have rambled long enough, so i will let you fine folks enjoy the new blog design. Have a great Day everyone.
Okay so Thanksgiving went over better than I thought. I did end up seeing my mother, and going out to eat. I did get to talk to Charla several times on the phone. I did eat all of Charla's excellent cookies. I have to survive work tonight, so that I can have a day off tomorrow.
I did feel a little twinge of sadness about where i was this year, as opposed to last year. but it was nowhere near enough to get me down in the dumps by any means. Its weird because over the last month, everything seems to be getting better. And the key to all of this continuing to get better could start someday next week.
When I finally will get to meet Charla. There is one problem with this though. I know where we are going to go eat, I am just trying to decide what to do afterwards. I can not think of anything for us to do yet. The only stipulation is that 1... it can not be a movie. And 2... its freaking cold this time of year. I want to spend time with the girl, not Charla frozen in carbonite. So no outdoor activites. I will definately have to think a little harder.
Last night at work, I had lots of turkey. When I got there, the uy who was working before I came in, had someone bring a plate of food. He was going out of town that night to eat, so he left it for me. So suddenly i had a meal instead of Peanut Butter sandwhiches.
Later on that night a women and her 2 daughters came in and were asking if we had any turkey today. I told her we had. She asked if we had a microwave. I told her we did. She then went out to the car and brought us a big plate of turkey, sweet potatoes, macorini and cheese, and other items. She said she felt sorry we had to work on Thanksgiving.
She kept talking to me, and paying enough attention to me that Phil and Jason had both thought she was flirting with me. She even told me I should come into the coffee shop where she worked. It was all a little weird for me. Besides, I may almost be a taken man :)
She even came back later, to drop off the movie she rented. She was just kind of strange, I dont honestly think she was flirting with me, but i never have had a women really flirt with me eithier so how the heck should I know. Besides she had green hair. I like green eyes and red hair... not green hair and red eyes.
So the good thing is that i got paid time and a half to work last night. I got fed so much turkey that I thought I was going to pass out on the floor from a turkey induced coma. Never to awaken again.
Also I have been meaning to ask everyone what they thought of the new design of my blog. Let me know. So far the only person that has told me they liked it is Lukrativ. Most everyone else did not like it. I like it, but i just wanted everyone elses opinions.
I just wanted to shout out to everyone a happy thanksgiving. I spent most of the day with my Mother, (The only person in my entire family that i still care about... Because my mother would walk through fire for me, yadda yadda yadda...)and Ben. My journey begins right after work last night.
We were very busy at work Wednesday night. So when I get off work last night, i drive myself home. I have a little red chair that sits outside my apartment. When I got home last night, there sat a little plastic container full of Chocolate chip cookies. Along with 2 Cards.
Yes, Charla made me a batch of chocaolate chip cookies and left them on my doorstep. Along with 2 greeting cards. One I was supposed to open then, and the other I was supposed to open the next morning. So I opened the card and read it. Very Sweet!!!
I forgot to tape Lost last night, so I gathered up my laundry, and TV-VCR combo (Because my mom only had a dvd player in her living room), my cookies, and my two cards. I was going to drive over to henderson so I could watch the Tape of Lost that Ben had made. ( I am so very addicted to this tv show... what can I say.)
Well I made a stupid mistake. I laid the 2 cards and the cookies on top of my car while I loaded the 13" TV into the card. A huge gust of wind came up and blew both cards out off the card. I seen the card I had already opened land on the ground. I ran over and grabbed it. The other card I did not see at all.
I felt so bad. I looked for 20 minutes in that parking lot for the card. I could not find it anywhere. I got my flash light out and crawled under my car, under the other cars in the neighborhood. I cold not find this card. And I paniced. I felt so silly ... it was just a card. It was nowhere to be seen.
I was so distraught coming over to my moms at 1:30 in the morning cause I had lost that card. I emailed her three times telling her how sorry I was that i lost the card. Ben and my Mom share a 2 bedroom apartment in henderson.. because they both wanted to live in Henderson. And when i got there last night and getting my laundry started ben came in there to see what was going on.
I showed him the card... and the cookies. I then told him about the card that wanted to fly. I was very upset about the whole incident. We talked for a little bit, and then he brought me the "LOST" tape and i watched it at like 2:30 in the morning. After it was over I knew I had to get some sleep. So I lay down on the couch.
When i got up this morning, I started to gather my laundry up. Ben told me he had a present for me. I was confused at what he had gotten me. He pulls out the missing card...
He had driven over to my apartment at 5:00 am (which is a 30-45 minute or so drive) got out of his card with a flashlight, and within one minute, found the card. He did that for me. I was so relieved. I was so happy... I could not believe it, I really thought I had lost it forever.
Charla called me about half an hour later. To wish me a happy Thanksgiving, for the third time. I told her what Ben had done. She was happy too. We all got dressed, and went to Kmart. Then when we came home we decided to go to the Golden Coral to get a thanksgiving dinner, since all of our plans got changed at the last minute.
I was so tired driving home, turkey just the same as sleeping pills to me anymore. I then lay down because I had only got about 3 hours of sleep the night before. So I got a few more hours of sleep this afternoon.
I will crash tonight after I get home from work. I am sure we will be extremely busy at work again tonight. Because of all the kids out of school and all that good stuff.
A year ago i was moving into my new house over thanksgiving weekend. Weird how from one year to the next things change. I would have never guessed I would be where i am now, a year ago. I can say one thing, a year ago i dont think someone appreciated me, as much as Charla appreciates me now.
I will meet her next week for the first time. I can wait, I am nervous, she is nervouse, we are both excited and afraid. I know its going to be okay. I just never would have guessed my laugh would be where it is right now. But maybe that will be something i will be Thankful for next year :)
Happy thanksgiving everyone. I also have you guys, contstant readers, to be thankful for. For not you guys, i would probably be still a shambling corpse of a person. Pining over someone who thought I was no better than mud on the bottom of her shoe. So thank you
Charla, Audrey, EPZ, Oh So Wonderful, Luke, Ben, Mom, Wil, and many more this Holiday season.
Well i just want to send out a congrats to Sweet November (AKA Charla0. She now has her license to drive a school bus. She even sent me the photo for proof. All I can say is when I look at her Drivers License photo is she is absolutely Gorgeous, and that is just a school bus picture.
I am going to have to talk her into meeting me next week, cause I dont think I can wait til the spring. :)(a little inside Joke there)
Audrey, then I will surly give you details, that is if I can even remember who I am after that.
I just wanted to give out that congrats, and I will be back to post more tomorrow. If not everyone Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Well another uneventful weekend. My tooth is stil there, it has not hurt me for 2 days now. I am going to get it pulled, but the walk in dentist here in town was so busy that there was not even a place to park. So I am going to wait til Wednesday, and maybe just until next week. But I promised Charla I would get it looked at.
Saturday I walked to the Laundry Facility to buy a soda. And our soda machine was out of order. I debated about walking across the street where the ex lives and works, but I was afraid I would run into her and her boyfriend, and i was not in the mood for that.
So I thought about going to the grocery store, but put it off. I did not feel like driving over there, just for a soda or two. So I waited around the house for awhile. Then I just had a dying urge for a soda. So i did finally go to the grocery store.
Walking down the back aisle, I noticed a women who looked very familiar. It was my ex wife. Of all the things i did not want to do on that of all days was run into her. I am not sure why i did not want to run into her. i guess I thought seeing her would throw off this good mood I have been in.
Well it did, for a few hours ntil I heard from Charla. I hate that it affected me at all. It really should not, she has moved on, and i have to accept that I will to. We talked, but I left as fast as i could and I am sure she noticed. I hope I did not hurt her feelings but I just felt akward.
So you guys want some of the dirt on Charla. Well since I have not met her yet, I have to take her word on everything.
Charla has a very pretty voice, its very easy to talk to her on the phone, I bet we have easily logged in at least 20 hours in phone conversations. The girl can talk, and to me that is a very wonderful thing.
She is very Christian. She sings for her Father's Church, although she gets so nervous. And the Congregation is only about 15 people and she says they are very close, almost like family.
Her parents own a bus company locally, they have several school busses, and right now Charla is getting her full bus license. So She can at least drive. She feels that she will be the one with her sister that will run the family business when her parents retire.
She is the youngest of five kids. And her family is pretty much spread all over the place. One Bro in Alaska, and a sister in Arizona. She is very close with her family, something I am not really used to, since my family is not worthy of my attention.
She has a good job, and she seems to enjoy it. She has the admiration of her co-workers. And the respect of her boss. She works hard, and she has made a name for herself in the company she works for.
Her movie choices are off the hook in the awesomeness category. She loves the movie Mulan which is my favorite Disney movie. She loves Braveheart, which I really was taken aback by, because it is a very violent movie. All though she has never heard of H.G. Wells, she is a reader. At least when she has time.
She says she colrs her hair, and that just about any color she puts into her hair gives it a red tint. I love red heads you have no idea. She can spend time talking about mundane things and make them sound awesome.
I have said it before she just seems so awesome. In a way I am afraid that I will disappoint her, probably as much as she is afraid that I will be disappointed by her. But on some level I just feel this connection. I feel like she has known me for my entire life. So I really can not wait to meet her.
So that sums up a little bit about her. Enough to get you guys going. In fact I just wanted to put the Quote of the day she left me. And how it seems to relate to this blog entry and this weekend.
Quote of the day: "The only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how they are put to use". Maybe you need to look at running into Sarah as a stepping stone instead of a stumbling block. Just a thought.
Well another uneventful weekend. My tooth is stil there, it has not hurt me for 2 days now. I am going to get it pulled, but the walk in dentist here in town was so busy that there was not even a place to park. So I am going to wait til Wednesday, and maybe just until next week. But I promised Charla I would get it looked at.
Saturday I walked to the Laundry Facility to buy a soda. And our soda machine was out of order. I debated about walking across the street where the ex lives and works, but I was afraid I would run into her and her boyfriend, and i was not in the mood for that.
So I thought about going to the grocery store, but put it off. I did not feel like driving over there, just for a soda or two. So I waited around the house for awhile. Then I just had a dying urge for a soda. So i did finally go to the grocery store.
Walking down the back aisle, I noticed a women who looked very familiar. It was my ex wife. Of all the things i did not want to do on that of all days was run into her. I am not sure why i did not want to run into her. i guess I thought seeing her would throw off this good mood I have been in.
Well it did, for a few hours ntil I heard from Charla. I hate that it affected me at all. It really should not, she has moved on, and i have to accept that I will to. We talked, but I left as fast as i could and I am sure she noticed. I hope I did not hurt her feelings but I just felt akward.
So you guys want some of the dirt on Charla. Well since I have not met her yet, I have to take her word on everything.
Charla has a very pretty voice, its very easy to talk to her on the phone, I bet we have easily logged in at least 20 hours in phone conversations. The girl can talk, and to me that is a very wonderful thing.
She is very Christian. She sings for her Father's Church, although she gets so nervous. And the Congregation is only about 15 people and she says they are very close, almost like family.
Her parents own a bus company locally, they have several school busses, and right now Charla is getting her full bus license. So She can at least drive. She feels that she will be the one with her sister that will run the family business when her parents retire.
She is the youngest of five kids. And her family is pretty much spread all over the place. One Bro in Alaska, and a sister in Arizona. She is very close with her family, something I am not really used to, since my family is not worthy of my attention.
She has a good job, and she seems to enjoy it. She has the admiration of her co-workers. And the respect of her boss. She works hard, and she has made a name for herself in the company she works for.
Her movie choices are off the hook in the awesomeness category. She loves the movie Mulan which is my favorite Disney movie. She loves Braveheart, which I really was taken aback by, because it is a very violent movie. All though she has never heard of H.G. Wells, she is a reader. At least when she has time.
She says she colrs her hair, and that just about any color she puts into her hair gives it a red tint. I love red heads you have no idea. She can spend time talking about mundane things and make them sound awesome.
I have said it before she just seems so awesome. In a way I am afraid that I will disappoint her, probably as much as she is afraid that I will be disappointed by her. But on some level I just feel this connection. I feel like she has known me for my entire life. So I really can not wait to meet her.
So that sums up a little bit about her. Enough to get you guys going. In fact I just wanted to put the Quote of the day she left me. And how it seems to relate to this blog entry and this weekend.
Quote of the day: "The only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how they are put to use". Maybe you need to look at running into Sarah as a stepping stone instead of a stumbling block. Just a thought.
Okay so here goes, its Saturday and I am tired. Why am I so tired, well it has something to do with the girl that makes me smile. And a phone conversation that lasted for 4+ hours.
I did most of the talking this time. I had to tell her more about Ben, and our high school teacher Mr. Ramen. Which got into the story of Ben and the Huge, used, disgusting gum story. I will not share that one here, it is a long story, and one that I share with most anyone I become friends with. Ben just rolls his eyes.
So I did not go get my tooth pulled on Friday, yet. I had to worry about getting the title to my car. You see I bought this car back in July, and we have had a hard time tracking down the title. The dealer owns car lots all over the place, and the car got shipped one place, while the title another.
So over the last few months I have had to go to the Car lot, and get another temp tag. I know it has at least been three extras. Well Yesterday I had to get it. So I can not concieviable be at the dentist at 9 to sign in, because I had to call him at 10 to make sure he got it.
This morning I could not go because I had to be at the Burea of Motor Vehicles. Because my tag expires on Sunday. Now most of the time going to the BMV is ironicly like going to the dentist. They are mean, they always get their way, and the wait seems to take forever.
While waiting in line before they opened the door. There was a guy standing with his mother. He was in a sling, and had a huge gash across the side of his head on the right. His right eye was heavily blood shot, like the look of someone who had been in a horrible accident. His Mother was wearing one shoe and a slipper, but I could not tell what had ahppened exactly to her foot.
They were survivors from the trailer park tornado. He was hurt pretty bad. They said they recieved insurence money and they were going to be moving out of modular homes forever. I can't say I blame them.
So I actually spoke to friendly women, who was not rude or hateful like 90% of those who work for the BMV. It took me no time to get my new license plate, and regestration, and I was on my way. Totally painless. Okay so i guess it is not like going to the dentist.
I am going to the dentist on Monday morning. End of discusion. My tooth felt fine Thursday night. Well it hurt but it was only one tooth that hurt, and not the whole side of my face. Today, my whole face hurts, but least I know the culprit, and that little bastard is getting yanked out.
Well I am going over to Matt and Jeff's tonight to "worship the devil". (Charla's term for role playing) Enjoy y weekend, and then dread going to the dentist on Monday. My mother did give me $100 to get my tooth pulled. So i will be able to get my tooth pulled and buy groceries this weekend.
Well guys I am going to cut out of here, and watch a little tv and stuff until Charla calls, and before I go to matt and Jeff's. I swear I will give you more information about Charla when I feel it is appropriate. Right now I have spent most nights talking to her for 2-3 hours a night. And she has started calling me punkin which is just hialrious.
Okay so I keep hearing about this HNT thing and i guess I thought I would share mine. This is a phot of me playing xbox, with the Halo 2 communicator hanging out of my ear. I paid $50 for the headset, instead of going the cheap route and knock on wood, It has yet to break.
If you would like to know moreabout HNT then visit
Oay wel here is the deal. I am going to have to go get a toothe pulled tomorrow. I figured out much by accident which one of the teeth it was. When I bit down and felt intense sooting pain run throughout my mouth. The god thing is though the one toothe is hurting instead of the entire right side of my mouth.
I called a dentist to set up an appointmment. They are a walk in place so I am just going to walk in there tomorrow and get it pulled. Here is the thing. They want to charge me $55 for a xray. I know which one it is, its the one with the cavity. then its $55 for the extractrion. Or $85 dollars for a difficult extraction. I believe this tooth is an easy one. So my total will be about $110 instead of $140
I am guessing its all Charla's fault, she is so sweet she gave me a toothe ache. Just kidding. Anyway Blog fans, here is the deal. I seen EPZ beg for books. So i am going to beg with money to fix my teeth. Come on does grandma need a new afghan, donate money to me and I will put a message on my blog telling you thanks and good wishes for whoever over this Holiday Season.
Send Check or Money Order to: Fix My Teeth c/o Robert R. Wood 4742 Spring Valley Rd. Evansville, IN 47715
Make all checks Payable to Robert R. Wood
Okay this is really a joke. I thought it would be funny, but on the plus side it does not hurt as bad now. I have my heater fixed and I wont freze to death tonight. I had to actually go to my moms apartment last night and spend the night because it was so cold here.
Have a good day. MaybeI will have a picture of the bad tooth on the blog tomorrow. No that would be very disgusting.
More Storms, Pre-Thanksgiving, I am sick again, and Toothache
Okay I am not sure why we are being hunted down by the storm demons. We had a few tornados run through us again yesterday. I am not sure why we are having the crazy weather, but the weather here can not make up its mind and we get these freak storms.
Okay so i guess I could share some things with you guys. I have been spending more time on the phone with Charla, I am not sure but somehow we end up talking for 2-3 hours on the phone every night. But I want to get into some other things in this blog and so i wont spend so much time on her. :)
So Sunday we had the "Pre Thanksgiving Dinner" I forgot to have some of my pictures taking. Matt and Jeff bought a turkey for us. In fact that seemed to be an adventure in itself. I have not ever heard of a fresh turkey. I guess its a turkey that is not frozen and more or less just killed a few days before it is shipped to market.
They called around to find one, and found out that most stores do not get there "fresh" turkeys in until this past Monday. And a frozen turkey would not have time to thaw before Sunday for us to eat.
Luckily they called a turkey farm in Vienceses (I cant spell it )who had closed, but the guy was still around and told them he would wait for them to get there. So turkey crisis resolved. Let me share a few pictures with you.
Here is Josiah working away on the computer. Looking for some imported beer or something else.
Okay so he is really playing marbel madness, but he at least had a beer or two by then. If I ever learned anything from Josiah it is this, beer is supposed to be foul, the fouler tasting the beer the better. That and I am not normal for the following reasons.
1. I do not butter my cornbread 2. I do not liked deviled eggs 3. I despise the mayonaise 4. I dont like Pumpkin pie
This is jarrod Loungin in the recliner, because he is cool. Okay its because he is the best damn cook I have ever seen in my life. The boy knows how to cook. I am not sure where he learned and All of us wonder if he is only pretending to be straight. He brought home made mashed potatoes, and several other things. Including this Awesome applesaouce, that he called "The applesauce of Doom" It was read and tasted cinnamon. I know we gobble up lots of it before the end of the night. All of us wanted the recipe.
Jesse was late gettig to the dinner, his mother is the hospital again this weekemd. I believe she had a pacemaker put in last week, and this week she was having some other probelms. So he did not want to leave his mother alone, so he had to wait for his sister toget to the hospital. I am hoping everything is okay with his mother.
Here are Dusty (the bunny) and Dante (the bird). They are Matt and Jeffs pets. Usually the bunny hopes around the living room, but there were so many of us that they kept them put up in case of injury.
So we had a grand feast. Fresh turkey, home made stuffing which I have never had before. I even got to help make it. Okay I took bread and broke it up and threw it in the pan, but hey its still helping. I ate a lot, and I was glad I went. I stayed there for most of the day, from Like noon until 8:30 PM.
Then i woke up with a sinus headache, and a cold. Which i believe in turn has caused a major toothache. I am hoping it goes away cause it has not bothered me until the cold, and the storms roled in. I may have to get it removed and its not one of those easy teeth to pull, its one of those that will probaly have to be cut out. I am not looking forward to that at all. But if I do not get any relief it may have to be done.
Well i do not have much else to say I just wanted to touch base with everyone and tell you about the weekend. Have a good day.
Smiles is all I can give you cause right now its all that I got. I have not felt this good in a long time. Ihave not even met her yet. But I can talk to her for hours, and you know that was problem numero Uno on Mandi. Okay Drugs also were something I dispised.
I just feel good. I actually am hoping that this year will not turn out so bad after all. I sepend hours talking to her in the middle of the night. I spent from 1am til 3am talking to her this morning. And she talks. My goodness she can talk. And i love that. No more of this fine stuff, a real talker. And she enjoys talking to me.
I laugh at her stories, she laughs at mine, and oh. I just hope this is the real deal. It is so good to feel this way. I try not to get so worked up, but I can honeslty tell you I have not felt this good in a very long time, at least in the last 2 years. Evn when I was married, I just felt like I could not be this happy.Sarah made me feel edgy and she was controling. This girl is none of that. She wants me to be me.
Case in point, she is a very Christian Person. Her Father is a Pastor. I told her that I play D&D and she seemed concerned but I am trying to explain to her that it simply gets a bad rap. She wants to actually watch us play one night to see it herself. She said she doesnt unerstand it but its a part of who I am. And she wants to get to know me.
I have a smile on my face for days now. That just does not happen for me. I so want everything to work out for the best. I am just rambling on, I may have to change my blog title to Divorced and Happy. Which is a big step up from Divorced and Dealing :)
Good day all I have a lot to do today. I have to go Baby Sit Matt, because Jeff and Josiah are going to the movies, to see Wallace and Gromitt, and Matt does not feel up to it. So I have to make a character up for the game Matt is running.
Tomorrow I am going to go over to Matt and Jeff's and we are having a pre Thanksgiving Dinner. I have to bring the pumpkin pie. I dont even like pumpkin pie, but it is now my sword duty to bring it, with and army of Whip Cream. I actually feel like I may have something to be thankful for this year after all.
I may not even skip Christmas after all. I am even thinking if things get going well, that I may even buy a Christmas tree. Even if it is small. I just feel in such rare form. Good day all and have a good night.
EPZ I know what its ike to Have someone Own your Smile
I am not sure how it happened. I am not sure where its going. But I can say I have a huge honking smile on my face that has not faded away all morning. I bet I also had it when i slept last night.
Charla called me at 2 in the morning, I was asleep, but I told her to call me anytime she felt like it, even if it were in the middle of the night. So she did that LOL
It was great to have a conversation with a women who loves to talk. And her voice is so lovely, and sweet. Oh it feels good to have this smile. I may even treausre it all day. Because I talked to a girl that owns my smile, at least for today. And it feels good.
Hey there peeps, are you ready for another exciting post by the one and only Hendersonman. I thought so.
Anyway, back to the blog at hand. I really am going to fully clean my apartment on Saturday. I have to because people sem to want to come over to my place on the weekends if we dont go over to MAtt and Jeff's apartment.
A new episode of Lost starts tonight, I had to go buy a blank tape because I dont have any, and I cant miss it. I am addicted. All i know is that tonight one of the cast is going to die. I believe I know who it is, but last time the person they said was going to die, did not. I know Aud is still watching season one so I dont want to spil it for her... it was Locke.. just kidding it was Jack... I am kidding again
I better be careful, she may delete my blog too... Sorry Audrey. I had to say it.
I have to work tonight, which should not be to bad. I have the theme songs from Charlie and the Choclate factory running through my head. I guess for once in a long time, I am in a happy mood.
Dont worry I have not given up on the blog novel. Its taking a little break for Blog Sweeps Week. I am saving the next chapter to well actually I dont know you will have to wait.
Just got a call from Lukrativ. I am going to have another 4 day weekend and my vacation days for this year will be all gone. I really have to say, 2 weeks of vacation stretches a lot of weeks when you use them in 3 day burst. I kind of like taking vacation like that.
Been reading alot of stuff from the Exalted RPG and I would really like to run it again. I thik the last time I ran a game I was rusty, and I was uncomfortable with someone in the game group, cause I was not use to playing with him. But I had a good story to tell.
The tornado information is finally dying down. I know there are lots of can food drives. I feel sorry for those folks, I could not imagine loosing everything like that.
Well Guys there is not much going on, but did I mention I am in a good mood. I think I did, but I just wanted to say it again.
Let me say a few words about good ole Evansville right now. Its weird seeing CNN report on a place that I had almost moved to 4 years ago. The weather tonight feels about the same as it did that night. Warm with a cool breeze, so i am hoping everything stays fine.
To answer EPZ I live about a ten minute drive from there, my boss lives about a mile from there, and I thik Charla (The new girl I have been talking to) lives about a half mile from where it hit. It was pretty bad, an f3, maybe even an f4.
On the good news front, my best friend has a photo entered into a contest, and will even be in a book. Its a great photo. i hope he puts it up on his blog, its a pic of a river boat taken at the boat ramp of my old stomping ground Henderson KY.
Aw heck how about I just put it up.
I hope he wins, he deserves it, Its a great photo it was so good in fact I did not believe it when my mom told me he took it. LOL
Well it seems Audrey is a big clutz and deleted her blog. So i fixed the link to her site.
Dont have much left to say today. Been real tired and i think I need to get that Xbox on and play tonihgt since i dont have to get up and go right to work in the morning, so I can play it all night if I feel like it LOL
Allan (AKA MASTA CHI3F) Just called me from the UK. Word of are little tornado had reached them, and he called to make sure I was okay. He heard evansville, and he said he went white... So I he is glad I am ok.
I just wanted everyone who may have heard that Last night here in Evansville, and the tri-state area, had a Tornado. And from all indications it was bad. So bad that our local news is saying we made national headlines.
The scary thing is that it hit a trailer park, the same trailer park that in 2000 we were going to live at, and there were no spaces left. So we did not end up moving in there. Where this park is, there is nowhere to run and hide.
Right now they say that ther may be as many as 11 deaths. This tornado swept in under the cover of darkness, while people were sleeping. One of ou local weather men said that, the first indication of the tornado may have been the sound of their roof being ripped from their modular home, as they slept.
I went to Matt and Jeff's last night after I got off work, and afte being there for 2 hours or so, the rain started to pour down. Matt made a joke when the sirens went off, that here we panic everytime the wind picks up.
About half an hour later, his cell phone goes off. Jeff looks at it and says, Its Dan. He answers and keeps saying hello. No one is talking on the phone, so they hang up and try to call him back. The phone goes right to voicemail. It takes them about 10 minutes toget ahold of him. None of us knew much about the tornado, except for when Josiah's mom called and told him there was one spotted.
Dan called to tell them that his house was hit by a tornando. A lot of damage was done. He said across the street, the home of his neighbors were simply gone. Nothing left. He also said that an apartment building had a car thrown through one of the buildings.
At that point, I knew it was time to go home. I dont really leave to far from Newburgh were Dan lives and I wanted to make sure my apartment was still standing. Its not much but its all i got. It was almost 2:30 am at this point. Coming home was scary, I could see large low hanging clouds, some of the streets and backroads I use to get home where flooded. Several were pretty deep. But I did make it home. And my apartment was still standing.
I had to call MAtt and Jeff and let them know that I was okay, they said they would worry if we did not call. And we were told if we could not get home because of downed power lines and such, to just come on back and we could stay the night. It is real nice to have good friends.
I was awakened to my mom calling me this morning.I knew I needed to call her in the morning to let her know I was oay. However she could not wait until I got out of bed.She called me at 7:15 am. So I have had about 4 hours of sleep and can not get back to sleep. She told me there were 80 fatalities. I thought that was a little high, turns out there were a 105 injuries, not fatalities.
I can honestly say it is the closest I have come to a tornado in my adult life. And I believe it will have lasting effects on our community. And Charlee if you are reading this email me, or IM me to let me know your okay. I know it hit Owensboro and I am worried about ya.
Well guys I am going Let you guy and decide what I am going to do with myself. Bed, xbox, bed, xbox, bed, xbox... Bed
Welcome to Hendy's world. A world full of danger. Boredom, Puppies, Video Games, and Heart. You cant forget the heart. Oh and did I mention videogames.