New Apartment (Now in Color)
Well here is my new apartment. I thought I would give you the photo tour of everything with my fine $99 camera. Sorry about picture quality, or the death of home design.okay here is the front door. My living room area, notice 3 things, the carpet, the hole in the blinds and the Wall air condition unit. I will have to get me a new set of blinds, I dont want to kill any peeping toms who may look in on me.
As we look into my kitchen we see the lovely cabinet without doors. I swore they would come and put doors on it today while I was at work, because they left all there tools in my apartment. I also have cleaning supplies under there cause I am definately going to need them.
Now we move on to the bedroom. I am so glad after doing some measuring that my bed will fit here. We are still debating about the headboard however. Yes there is the closet, and it also holds the water heater.
Well the only room left is the bathroom. A very small bathroom. Well I guess you do not need much room in there anyway. The pic is my cool looking shower curtain. The next is my shelf that holds my towels. (Towels Sold Seperatly, Void in Rhode Island)And last but not least my sink, and a nice pic of my candle warmer
So that is the guided tour of my new apartment. Thanks for stopping by. Dont worry about taking your shoes off. You cant do any worse to the carpet.
You know as much as i make fun I am really excited. Its been along time since I got to make my own decesions about things.