My Xbox 360
I got my Xbox 360 home Friday. I got it all set up by 1:00. I bought a copy of Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. I pop on the Xbox, and I get the beautiful Xbox 360 logo. A tear rolled down my face.I go through and set up my Xbox Live account. Which was a lot easier than most people told me it was. I was online in 5 minutes. I then spent 20 minutes playing with the options in live. I downloaded a demo, watched movie trailers.
I then popped in my game. I was not sure really what to expected. I have played it at Wal mart, best buy and other places. All these places have it on a HDTV. Which of course I do not have. I heard a lot of talk about how if you do not have an HDTV that the games don't look much better than a regular Xbox game.
Whoever started this rumor is in my opinion, full of shit. GR:AW (Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter) looks awesome, beautifully polished. The trees sway in the distant, cars explode in fiery glory.
This is the greatest system I have ever owned, hands down. I never had seen a video game console that offered so much. Xbox live is great. I am sure if it were not Xbox Live, the system would not be as exciting for me.
So I only got one game Friday. Saturday morning I went down to the local game shop, and traded in 7 seasons of Buffy the Vsmpire Slayer, 5 seasons of Angel, and a couple other games. I ended up with $180 worth of credit, put that with the $22 of credit left over from the games I traded in the previous day to get GRAW. Plus $3 from the gift card Ben gave me for Christmas. That was $205 worth of store credit.
With this I purchased, Burnout Revenge, I paid off a pre-order on Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. I went ahead and bought a wireless Controller, the plug and charge kit for it. And the Head set.
I really wish they would have had the $400 system because I would not have had to buy the Hard Drive for the 360. It is $100 on its own. With the $400 it comes equipped, and you get the wireless controller and the headset. But I had to buy all that stuff separate, but at least I do have 2 controllers.
Now about the wireless controller. I have had a wireless controller in the past. I never cared much for it. Sometimes it would seem responsive, and other times not so much. I was kind of scared about the wireless controllers.
I seen an ad in an Xbox magazine, showing the wireless controller, and the a shadow of a cord attached, and below it says: It only plays like its there.
That is the most true statement I have ever heard spoken. This controller is amazing. I put in Burnout and raced, I did better on this game then I did on the Xbox with a controller that had a cord. I could feel the response time was spot on.
While i was playing GRAW, my buddy Masta Chief (the guy from England, and my best friend on live) came online. He was weeping tears of joy also. He was so excited that I got an Xbox, i told him everything I got. He told me I done well at picking out my games.
But the coolest thing about this conversation, we were playing 2 seperate games at the time. He was playing Burnout on Single Player and i was playing GRAW single player. You can actual talk to your friedns and be doing two totally different things. I could be watching a dvd and him downloading a demo. On the orginal Xbox, you could only talk to your friends that you were gaming with.
And when someone comes online, a nice little display pops up on the bottom of the screen to let you know. And if you want to send a quick hello, all you have to do is hit the Live Button in the middle of the controller. It will take you right to there profile. So you can send them a chat invite.
I am in love with this system.
I spent last night playing a puzzle game called Hexic for like 3 hours. It was a game that came free with the 360 hard drive. It is simple but ver addictive.
Oh and here is my gamer card. It lets people check my Achievements (Achievements are in game rewards. The more of these you get the higher your gamerscore becomes) my gamerscore, my rep and even the last games I played. It is just awesome. This will also be in my top blog post at all time so you can see how well I am doing.
So anyway guys I am going to run. I hope you have a good day.