Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Okay so I get a call from my boss today. He needs someone to take his car to Henderson. Where I was born and raised. This is really not the important part of the story, as you can read it on his web site.

Also keep in mind I do not condone or endorse any of his comments on his blog

  • Lukrativ, My boss' blog

  • What i want to talk about though is this. Luke may do stuff that I dont agree with. He may say stuff that is crude. But today I got to see him interact with his son. I am not really suprised about how good he is with his son. I just thought it was nice to see a side of him not most get to see personally.

    I now he fought hard to get custody of his child, and has even thought he would have to fight hard to keep again later.

    His son's name is Austin, he is very shy. But I did get him to speak to me a little bit, I know that he is three, and that soon he will be four and after that he will be this many (5). I know he did not like my car, and corn dog bites taste good when dipped in mash potatoes. Why do I know this, because he made a point to tell me this.

    So it was not how I expected to spend an hour and a half of my day, but it actually felt nice to get out of the house, although it would have felt nicer If I had actually showered before hand.

    Tomorrow is the day of the big test. Poor Mandi is not going to get to take it. She called me today, i felt bad because I did not answer the phone. Not because I did not want to talk to her but because my ass fell asleep on the couch and I did not hear a thing. Thats 2 days she has called me from work in a row just to chat. I did call her back this afternoon. She was bummed that she could not take the test. And she did not offer up any good luck nookie either.

    I can honeslty say the nap I had today was wonderful. I have not sleep that deeply in a long time. Its rarely that someone calls me on my cell phone and my home phone and I sleep right through it.

    So the running count of people who care about me are.

    *Mandi- She wants me to call her when I get home to tell her how it went
    *Allan- My XBOX buddy from England wants me to be sure to send him a message over Xbox live to tell him how i did.

    Also next year Alan (Masta Chi3f) and his brother Mo Mon3y are coming over to see me. Which means at some point I am going to go spend time with them in London. Gosh and that would just be dreadfully awful to travel all the way over there to see them. (LOL)
    Then I can go to California because Audrey is going to show me the sites and short celebs of LA. Okay so I guess I could get to do some interesting things over the next couple of years.