Friday, September 23, 2005


I added a link to the side of my profiel for a site i would hope you guys would visit. It goes to my buddy Wil. He is one of the 4 best friends I had in high School. I have wrote about him a few times in my blog.

He is a Pro wrestler, trained in taking bumps. He wrestled for awhile with a federation called Chaos Pro wrestling. They were an "Outside Independt" wrestling fed. Dont dare call them the backyard wrestlers, they are trained, they started out wrestling on a deck covered in carpenting. The rings rope were not even real enough for them to bounce off of, and yes the wrestled hardcore.

Florecent lights, barbwire, thumbtacks. They used it. These guys were tough, and also a nice bunch when we all went out to eat at Nicks.

Wil is a nice guy and does not have any clue what a blog was, so he started his own. So if you could please send some traffic his way i much appreciate it.