Would have been Seven Years today
Its early, too damn early. I am sick with a cold. Again. I am praying not to have another sinus infection. I am not sure how this day is going to turn out. Today would have been our 7th wedding anniversary. Most guys cant even remember their anniversary if they are still married. Mine I just can't forget.I have to take my mom to the Doc this morning. She is worried they are going to put her on insulin shots. The doc warned of that last year. She dreads going. I can't say i blame her. Who wants to have to shoot insulin everyday.
I just got off the Xbox. playing Rainbow 6 Vegas Online. One of the guys that works for a local comic book shop introduced me to these guys. And they are great. i get teased alot, get called Rookie even more. But they are getting me built up slowly. I have earned their respect in a few games.
And its real cool playing with people all over the world. I never get tired of it. Sometimes i wonder if the interenet is the New Worlds Tower of Babel. Oh well. All I know right now in Seattle it is windy, at least wherever one of these guys lives. You could hear it over his mic when he went outside to smoke. heck maybe they could even be EPZ West virginian neighbors.
One guy and I started talking. he asked him what the date was. I knew without even looking at the calendar. I am always going to remember this day. But normally after the trifecta of evil, (i.e. Dad dying (dec. 16), Christmas, and anniversary) I start to let go of that depression.Anyway, he talked about his son, who turned 11 months this morning. Thats what I like about Xbox Live.
But anyway, today is another day. And I hope it will be an okay one.
Labels: Mom, Rainbow 6: Vegas, Xbox live