Have I really not written anything since Sunday
Wow, sorry for the long absence, not really meaning to abandon you guys for so long. I bet your itching for more goodies huh.Well Tomorrow, (friday) I am off work, and I have to wait for the cable guy to come hook up the internet for my Mom, since I am the only one in the family who knows how to do such things in the family. I guess I could do my laundry while I am there also, since it will be free.
Tuesday was an interesting day. I was planning on relaxing with the old xbox. I had told Allan (AKA Masta Chi3f) that I was going to be online Tuesday. Well mandi calls me at 10:45 and asks what I am doing. I tell her nothing. She then invites me out to lunch. Her treat.
We go do a little pizza buffet here in town called cici's and we meet at noon. We eat and she asked if I had anymore plans. In the back of my mind I was screaming at myself to tell her yes because I was dying for some xbox time. Yet in the end I told her no, that i just needed to go see my mom in the afternoon.
She asks if if want to go back to her place, and rent some dvds. I tell her that is fine. So we pick up Alexander and Guess Who. She ask if i time to watch Alexander (its close to three hours) I tell her okay. Its almost 1:00 and I was not planning to be over to my mothers until after 4 anyway.
Let me warn anyone who plans on watching this movie, it is the worst movie I have watched in 28 years, this includes: White Noise, Blair Witch Project, and anything starring Johnny Depp or a Tim Burton movie.
It jumps around, alot. Its hard to keep track of the characters, it contains only a few fight scenes, half of him conquering the world. But it also include all the gay love scenes, I know he was greek but was he really gay. I dont remember that part. I should have known better since it was an Oliver Stone movie. Thumbs down, thombs down all the way to china town.
Afterwards, I decided to stay and watch Guess who (Which I had already watched and I needed anything to get Alexanders bad taste out of my mouth.) I love this Monvie, its I plan on buying it at some point. I love Ashton Kutcher movies , (okay dude wheres my car doesnt count) It was a heartwarming comedy about differences in people. And I almost tear up when he is explaining about, your other half (Spoiler!!! You have been warned.) About how you go through thinking life is okay, and then you meet the person you love. Then wham, you feel everything your were missing, and you cant go back to being alone because you know what it felt like to be a whole person. Thats what the ex meant to me. I dont feel whole, but we all know that side of the coin and we wont go back there for now.
I did kiss her before I left, dont get all excited guys. I kissed her o the cheek after I was done hugging her, she did pay for everything. Then she kissed me on the lips, in a friendly peckish way. But it felt good.
One more hilarious thought before I go. I told my mother to contact the cable company so that she could schedule an appointment for Friday. She told me they asked her many questions, including do you have a cable modem. She told them yes.
I told her, computers dont come with a cable modem. She said it says modem on the box. I told her to call them back, so they bring the modem with them. It was too much work to explain the difference in a 56k modem and a cable modem Everything else I think she answered correctly.
Well tomorrow, I may be taking the blog on the road to my moms apartment, on the laundry/cable hookup roadshow.